.. module:: common
:synopsis: Common utility functions
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import time
import random
from timeit import default_timer
from math import sqrt, log, cos, pi
from six.moves import cStringIO as StringIO
[docs]def isnan(x):
Check if something is NaN.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> isnan(np.NaN)
>>> isnan(0)
:param object x: Any object
:return: True if x is NaN
:rtype: bool
return x != x
[docs]def is_iterable(obj):
Return true if object has iterator but is not a string
:param object obj: Any object
:return: True if object is iterable but not a string.
:rtype: bool
return hasattr(obj, '__iter__') and not isinstance(obj, str)
[docs]def istensor(x, attrs=['shape', 'dtype', 'min', 'max']):
Return true if x has shape, dtype, min and max.
Will be true for Numpy and PyTorch tensors.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> M = np.zeros((2,3))
>>> istensor(M)
>>> istensor([1,2,3])
:param object x: Any object
:param list[str] attrs: Object attributes that 'define' a tensor.
:return: True if x is some tensor object.
return all(hasattr(x, a) for a in attrs)
[docs]def as_tuple(x):
Return x as tuple.
If x is a single item it gets wrapped into a tuple otherwise it is
changed to a tuple, e.g. list => tuple
:param item or iterable x: Any item or iterable
:return: tuple(x)
:rtype: tuple
return tuple(x) if is_iterable(x) else (x,)
[docs]def as_list(x):
Return x as list.
If x is a single item it gets wrapped into a list otherwise it is
changed to a list, e.g. tuple => list
:param item or iterable x: Any item or iterable
:return: list(x)
:rtype: list
return list(x) if is_iterable(x) else [x]
[docs]def as_set(x):
Return x as set.
If x is a single item it gets wrapped into a set otherwise it is
changed to a set, e.g. list => set
:param item or iterable x: Any item or iterable
:return: set(x)
:rtype: set
return set(x) if is_iterable(x) else (x,)
[docs]def itemize(x):
Extract item from a list/tuple with only one item.
>>> itemize([3])
>>> itemize([3, 2, 1])
[3, 2, 1]
>>> itemize([])
:param list|tuple x: An indexable collection
:return: Return item in collection if there is only one, else
returns the collection.
:rtype: object|list|tuple
return x[0] if len(x) == 1 else x
[docs]def sec_to_hms(duration):
Return hours, minutes and seconds for given duration.
>>> sec_to_hms('80')
(0, 1, 20)
:param int|str duration: Duration in seconds. Can be int or string.
:return: tuple (hours, minutes, seconds)
:rtype: (int, int, int)
s = int(duration)
h = s // 3600
s -= (h * 3600)
m = s // 60
s -= (m * 60)
return h, m, s
[docs]def timestr(duration, fmt='{:d}:{:02d}:{:02d}'):
Return duration as formatted time string or empty string if no duration
>>> timestr('80')
:param int|str duration: Duration in seconds. Can be int or string.
:param str: Format for string, e.g. '{:d}:{:02d}:{:02d}'
:return: duration as formatted time, e.g. '0:01:20' or '' if duration
shorter than one second.
:rtype: string
if not duration:
return ''
h, m, s = sec_to_hms(duration)
return fmt.format(h, m, s)
[docs]def shapestr(array, with_dtype=False):
Return string representation of array shape.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> a = np.zeros((3,4))
>>> shapestr(a)
>>> a = np.zeros((3,4), dtype='uint8')
>>> shapestr(a, True)
:param ndarray array: Numpy array
:param bool with_dtype: Append dtype of array to shape string
:return: Shape as string, e.g shape (3,4) becomes 3x4
:rtype: str
sstr = 'x'.join(str(int(d)) for d in array.shape)
if with_dtype:
sstr += ':' + str(array.dtype)
return sstr
[docs]def stype(obj):
Return string representation of structured objects.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> a = np.zeros((3,4), dtype='uint8')
>>> b = np.zeros((1,2), dtype='float32')
>>> stype(a)
'<ndarray> 3x4:uint8'
>>> stype(b)
'<ndarray> 1x2:float32'
>>> stype([a, (b, b)])
'[<ndarray> 3x4:uint8, (<ndarray> 1x2:float32, <ndarray> 1x2:float32)]'
>>> stype([1, 2.0, [a], [b]])
'[<int> 1, <float> 2.0, [<ndarray> 3x4:uint8], [<ndarray> 1x2:float32]]'
>>> stype({'a':a, 'b':b, 'c':True})
'{a:<ndarray> 3x4:uint8, b:<ndarray> 1x2:float32, c:<bool> True}'
>>> from collections import namedtuple
>>> Sample = namedtuple('Sample', 'x,y')
>>> sample = Sample(a, 1)
>>> stype(sample)
'Sample(x=<ndarray> 3x4:uint8, y=<int> 1)'
:param object obj: Any object
:return: String representation of object where arrays are replace by their
shape and dtype descriptions
:rtype: str
typename = lambda obj: type(obj).__name__
typestr = lambda obj: '<' + typename(obj) + '> '
expr = lambda kv, s: str(kv[0]) + s + stype(kv[1])
alist = lambda x: ', '.join(x)
mklist = lambda obj: alist(stype(o) for o in obj)
mkset = lambda obj: alist(stype(o) for o in sorted(obj))
mkdict = lambda obj: alist(expr(kv, ':') for kv in sorted(obj.items()))
mkfields = lambda obj: alist(expr(kv, '=') for kv in zip(obj._fields, obj))
if istensor(obj, ['shape', 'dtype']):
return typestr(obj) + shapestr(obj, True)
if isinstance(obj, list):
return '[' + mklist(obj) + ']'
if isinstance(obj, tuple):
if hasattr(obj, '_fields'): # namedtuple
return typename(obj) + '(' + mkfields(obj) + ')'
return '(' + mklist(obj) + ')'
if isinstance(obj, set):
return '{' + mkset(obj) + '}'
if isinstance(obj, dict):
return '{' + mkdict(obj) + '}'
return typestr(obj) + str(obj)
[docs]def print_type(data):
Print type of (structured) data
Useful when printing structured data types that contain (large)
NumPy matrices or PyTorch/Tensorflow tensors.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from nutsflow import Consume, Take
>>> a = np.zeros((3, 4), dtype='uint8')
>>> data = [[a], (1.1, 2)]
>>> print_type(data)
[[<ndarray> 3x4:uint8], (<float> 1.1, <int> 2)]
>>> from collections import namedtuple
>>> Sample = namedtuple('Sample', 'x,y')
>>> data = Sample(a, 1)
>>> print_type(data)
Sample(x=<ndarray> 3x4:uint8, y=<int> 1)
:param object data: Any data type.
:return: Structured representation of the data,type.
:rtype: str
[docs]def colfunc(key):
Return function that extracts element from columns.
Used to create key functions when only column index or tuple of column
indices is given. For instance:
>>> data = ['a3', 'c1', 'b2']
>>> sorted(data, key=colfunc(0)) # == sorted(data, key=lamda s:s[0])
['a3', 'b2', 'c1']
>>> sorted(data, key=colfunc(1))
['c1', 'b2', 'a3']
>>> list(map(colfunc((1,0)), data))
[['3', 'a'], ['1', 'c'], ['2', 'b']]
:param function|None key: function or None. If None the identity function
is returned
:return: Column extraction function.
:rtype: function
if key is None:
return lambda x: x
if isinstance(key, int):
return lambda x: x[key]
if isinstance(key, tuple):
return lambda x: [x[i] for i in key]
return key
[docs]def console(*args, **kwargs):
Print to stdout and flush.
Wrapper around Python's print function that ensures flushing after each
>>> console('test')
:param args: Arguments
:param kwargs: Key-Word arguments.
print(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class Redirect(object):
Redirect stdout or stderr to string.
>>> with Redirect() as out:
... print('test')
>>> print(out.getvalue())
>>> with Redirect('STDERR') as out:
... print('error', file=sys.stderr)
>>> print(out.getvalue())
[docs] def __init__(self, channel='STDOUT'):
self.channel = channel
self.oldout = sys.stderr if channel == 'STDERR' else sys.stdout
self.out = StringIO()
def __set_channel(self, out):
if self.channel == 'STDERR':
sys.stderr = out
sys.stdout = out
def __enter__(self):
return self.out
def __exit__(self, *args):
# Adopted from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mersenne_Twister
[docs]class StableRandom(random.Random):
"""A pseudo random number generator that is stable across
Python 2.x and 3.x. Use this only for unit tests or doctests.
This class is derived from random.Random and supports all
methods of the base class.
>>> rand = StableRandom(0)
>>> rand.random()
>>> rand.randint(1, 10)
>>> lst = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
>>> rand.shuffle(lst)
>>> lst
[1, 3, 2, 5, 4]
[docs] def __init__(self, seed=None):
Initialize random number generator.
:param None|int seed: Seed. If None the system time is used.
self.index = 624
self.mt = [0] * 624
self.mt[0] = self._seed
for i in range(1, 624):
self.mt[i] = self._int32(
1812433253 * (self.mt[i - 1] ^ self.mt[i - 1] >> 30) + i)
def _int32(self, x):
"""Return the 32 least significant bits"""
return int(0xFFFFFFFF & x)
[docs] def random(self):
"""Return next random number in [0,1["""
if self.index >= 624:
y = self.mt[self.index]
y = y ^ y >> 11
y = y ^ y << 7 & 2636928640
y = y ^ y << 15 & 4022730752
y = y ^ y >> 18
self.index = self.index + 1
return float(self._int32(y)) / 0xffffffff
def _randbelow(self, n, **args):
"""Return a random int in the range [0,n)"""
return int(self.random() * n)
def _twist(self):
"""Mersenne Twister"""
for i in range(624):
y = self._int32((self.mt[i] & 0x80000000) +
(self.mt[(i + 1) % 624] & 0x7fffffff))
self.mt[i] = self.mt[(i + 397) % 624] ^ y >> 1
if y % 2 != 0:
self.mt[i] = self.mt[i] ^ 0x9908b0df
self.index = 0
[docs] def seed(self, seed=None):
Set seed.
:param None|int seed: Seed. If None the system time is used.
if seed is None:
seed = int(time.time() * 256)
self._seed = seed
[docs] def gauss_next(self):
Return next gaussian random number.
:return: Random number sampled from gaussian distribution.
:rtype: float
x1, x2 = self.random(), self.random()
return sqrt(-2.0 * log(x1 + 1e-10)) * cos(2.0 * pi * x2)
[docs] def getstate(self):
Return state of generator.
:return: Index and Mersenne Twister array.
:rtype: tuple
return self.mt[:], self.index
[docs] def setstate(self, state):
Set state of generator.
:param tuple state: State to set as produced by getstate()
self.mt, self.index = state
[docs] def jumpahead(self, n):
Set state of generator far away from current state.
:param int n: Distance to jump.
self.index += n
[docs]class Timer(object):
A simple timer with a resolution of a second.
.. code::
t = Timer(fmt="Duration: %M:%S")
time.sleep(2) # something that takes some time, here 2 seconds
print(t) --> "Duration: 00:02"
.. code::
with Timer() as t:
print(t) --> "00:02"
[docs] def __init__(self, fmt="%M:%S"):
Creates a timer with the given time string format.
:param str fmt: Format for time string, see `time.strftime` for details.
self.fmt = fmt
def __enter__(self):
"""Enters context manager"""
return self
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
"""Exits context manager"""
return self.stop()
[docs] def start(self):
Starts the timer.
Note that the construction of Timer() already starts the timer.
:return: None
self.stime = default_timer()
self.etime = None
[docs] def stop(self):
Stops the timer.
:return: None
self.etime = default_timer()
def _gmtime(self):
"""Return current duration of timer in seconds"""
if self.etime is None:
self.etime = default_timer()
delta = self.etime - self.stime
return time.gmtime(delta)
def __str__(self):
Returns the current timer duration as a string.
:return: Timer duration formatted as specified by `fmt`.
"rtype: str
return time.strftime(self.fmt, self._gmtime())