Source code for nutsflow.factory

.. module:: factory
   :synopsis: Functions and decorators to construct nuts.
from __future__ import absolute_import

import functools

from nutsflow.base import Nut, NutSink, NutSource, NutFunction

def _arg_insert(args, arg, pos=0):
    Insert arg in args at given position.

    :param tuple args: Some function arguments
    :param any arg: Some function argument
    :param int pos: Insert position. If None argument is appended.
    :return: List with arguments where arg is inserted
    :rtype: list
    args = list(args)
    if pos is None:
        args.insert(pos, arg)
    return args

def _wrap(wrappercls, func):
    Return wrapped function.

    Used to ensure that decorated nut function has the correct docstring.

    :param class wrappercls: Nut wrapper class
    :param function func: Function to wrap
    :return: Wrapped function
    :rtype: function
    def wrapper(*args, **kwds):
        return wrappercls(*args, **kwds)

    return wrapper

def _create_nut_wrapper(base_class, func, iterpos):
    Return Nut for given function.

    :param class base_class: Base class, e.g. Nut, NutSink, NutFunction, ...
    :param function func: Function to wrap
    :param int iterpos: Argument position for iterable in function.
    :return: Nut that wraps the given function.
    :rtype: Nut

    class Wrapper(base_class):

        def __rrshift__(self, iterable):
            args = _arg_insert(self.args, iterable, iterpos)
            return func(*args, **self.kwargs)

    return _wrap(Wrapper, func)

def _create_filter_wrapper(func, invert=False):
    Return filter Nut for given function.

    :param func: Filter function to wrap
    :param invert: Filter is inverted.
    :return: Nut operates as a filter.
    :rtype: Nut

    class Wrapper(Nut):

        def __rrshift__(self, iterable):
            for e in iterable:
                args = _arg_insert(self.args, e)
                if bool(func(*args, **self.kwargs)) != invert:
                    yield e

    return _wrap(Wrapper, func)

[docs]def nut_function(func): """ Decorator for Nut functions. Example on how to define a custom function nut: .. code:: @nut_function def TimesN(x, n): return x * n [1, 2, 3] >> TimesN(2) >> Collect() --> [2, 4, 6] :param function func: Function to decorate :return: Nut function for given function :rtype: NutFunction """ class Wrapper(NutFunction): def __call__(self, element): return func(element, *self.args, **self.kwargs) return _wrap(Wrapper, func)
[docs]def nut_source(func): """ Decorator for Nut sources. Example on how to define a custom source nut. Note that a source must return an iterable/generator and does not read any input. .. code:: @nut_source def MyRange(start, end): return range(start, end) MyRange(0, 5) >> Collect() --> [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] .. code:: @nut_source def MyRange2(start, end): for i in range(start, end): yield i * 2 MyRange2(0, 5) >> Collect() --> [0, 2, 4, 6, 8] :param function func: Function to decorate :return: Nut source for given function :rtype: NutSource """ class Wrapper(NutSource): def __iter__(self): return func(*self.args, **self.kwargs) return _wrap(Wrapper, func)
[docs]def nut_processor(func, iterpos=0): """ Decorator for Nut processors. Examples on how to define a custom processor nut. Note that a processor reads an iterable and must return an iterable/generator .. code:: @nut_processor def Twice(iterable): for e in iterable: yield e yield e [1, 2, 3] >> Twice() >> Collect() --> [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3] .. code:: @nut_processor def Odd(iterable): return (e for e in iterable if e % 2) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] >> Odd() >> Collect() --> [1, 3, 5] .. code:: @nut_processor def Clone(iterable, n): for e in iterable: for _ in range(p): yield e [1, 2, 3] >> Clone(2) >> Collect() --> [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3] :param function func: Function to decorate :param iterpos: Position of iterable in function arguments :return: Nut processor for given function :rtype: Nut """ return _create_nut_wrapper(Nut, func, iterpos)
[docs]def nut_sink(func, iterpos=0): """ Decorator for Nut sinks. Example on how to define a custom sink nut: .. code:: @nut_sink def ToList(iterable): return list(iterable) range(5) >> ToList() --> [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] .. code:: @nut_sink def MyCollect(iterable, container): return container(iterable) range(5) >> MyCollect(tuple) --> (0, 1, 2, 3, 4) .. code:: @nut_sink def MyProd(iterable): p = 1 for e in iterable: p *= e return p [1, 2, 3] >> MyProd() --> 12 :param function func: Function to decorate :param iterpos: Position of iterable in function arguments :return: Nut sink for given function :rtype: NutSink """ return _create_nut_wrapper(NutSink, func, iterpos)
[docs]def nut_filter(func): """ Decorator for Nut filters. Also see nut_filerfalse(). Example on how to define a custom filter nut: .. code:: @nut_filter def Positive(x): return x > 0 [-1, 1, -2, 2] >> Positive() >> Collect() --> [1, 2] .. code:: @nut_filter def GreaterThan(x, threshold): return x > threshold [1, 2, 3, 4] >> GreaterThan(2) >> Collect() --> [3, 4] :param function func: Function to decorate. Must return boolean value. :return: Nut filter for given function :rtype: Nut """ return _create_filter_wrapper(func, invert=False)
[docs]def nut_filterfalse(func): """ Decorator for Nut filters that are inverted. Also see nut_filter(). Example on how to define a custom filter-false nut: .. code:: @nut_filterfalse def NotGreaterThan(x, threshold): return x > threshold [1, 2, 3, 4] >> NotGreaterThan(2) >> Collect() --> [1, 2] :param function func: Function to decorate :return: Nut filter for given function. . Must return boolean value. :rtype: Nut """ return _create_filter_wrapper(func, invert=True)