Source code for nutsflow.source

.. module:: source
   :synopsis: Nuts that produce iterables but do not take input iterables.
from __future__ import absolute_import

import csv

import itertools as itt
import nutsflow.iterfunction as itf

from six.moves import range
from collections import namedtuple
from nutsflow.base import NutSource
from nutsflow.factory import nut_source
from nutsflow.common import as_tuple, is_iterable

[docs]@nut_source def Enumerate(start=0, step=1): """ Enumerate(start=0 [, step]) Return increasing integers. See itertools.count >>> from nutsflow import Take, Collect >>> Enumerate() >> Take(3) >> Collect() [0, 1, 2] >>> Enumerate(1, 2) >> Take(3) >> Collect() [1, 3, 5] :param int start: Start of integer sequence :param int step: Step of sequence :return: Increasing integers. :rtype: iterable over int """ return itt.count(start, step=step)
[docs]@nut_source def Repeat(obj, *args, **kwargs): """ Repeat(obj) Return given obj indefinitely. >>> from nutsflow import Head, Collect >>> Repeat(1) >> Head(3) [1, 1, 1] >>> from nutsflow.common import StableRandom >>> rand = StableRandom(0) >>> Repeat(rand.random) >> Head(3) [0.5488135024320365, 0.5928446165269344, 0.715189365138111] >>> rand = StableRandom(0) >>> Repeat(rand.randint, 1, 6) >> Head(10) [4, 4, 5, 6, 4, 6, 4, 6, 3, 4] :param object|func obj: Object/value to repeat. Obj can be function that is repeatedly called. :param args args: Arguments passed on to obj if obj is callable :param kwargs kwargs: Keyword args passed on to obj if obj is callable :return: Iterator of repeated objects :rtype: iterable over object """ while True: yield obj(*args, **kwargs) if callable(obj) else obj
[docs]@nut_source def Product(*args, **kwds): """ Product(*iterables [, repeat]) Return cartesian product of input iterables. >>> from nutsflow import Collect >>> Product([1, 2], [3, 4]) >> Collect() [(1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 3), (2, 4)] >>> Product('ab', range(3)) >> Collect() [('a', 0), ('a', 1), ('a', 2), ('b', 0), ('b', 1), ('b', 2)] >>> Product([1, 2, 3], repeat=2) >> Collect() [(1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 1), (2, 2), (2, 3), (3, 1), (3, 2), (3, 3)] :param iterables iterables: Collections of iterables to create cartesian product from. :param int repeat: Repeat a single iterable 'repeat' times, e.g. Procuct([1,2], [1,2]) is equal to Product([1,2], repeat=2) :return: cartesian product :rtype: iterator over tuples """ return itt.product(*args, **kwds)
[docs]@nut_source def Empty(): """ Empty() Return empty iterable. >>> from nutsflow import Collect >>> Empty() >> Collect() [] :return: Empty iterator :rtype: iterator """ return iter(())
[docs]class Range(NutSource): """ Range of numbers. Similar to range() but returns iterator that depletes. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Range(start [,end [, step]]) Return range of integers. >>> from nutsflow import Collect >>> Range(4) >> Collect() [0, 1, 2, 3] >>> Range(1, 5) >> Collect() [1, 2, 3, 4] :param int start: Start of range. :param int end: End of range. Not inclusive. Optional. :param int step: Step size. Optional. :return: Range of integers. :rtype: iterable over int """ self.iter = iter(range(*args, **kwargs))
def __iter__(self): """Return iterator over numbers.""" return self.iter
[docs]class ReadCSV(NutSource): """ Read data from a CSV file using Python's CSV reader. See: """
[docs] def __init__(self, filepath, columns=None, skipheader=0, fmtfunc=None, **kwargs): """ ReadCSV(filepath, columns, skipheader, fmtfunc, **kwargs) Read data in Comma Separated Format (CSV) from file. See also CSVWriter. Can also read Tab Separated Format (TSV) be providing the corresponding delimiter. Note that in the docstring below delimiter is '\\t' but in code it should be '\t'. >>> from nutsflow import Collect >>> filepath = 'tests/data/data.csv' >>> with ReadCSV(filepath, skipheader=1) as reader: ... reader >> Collect() [('1', '2', '3'), ('4', '5', '6')] >>> with ReadCSV(filepath, skipheader=1, fmtfunc=int) as reader: ... reader >> Collect() [(1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6)] >>> fmtfuncs=(int, str, float) >>> with ReadCSV(filepath, skipheader=1, fmtfunc=fmtfuncs) as reader: ... reader >> Collect() [(1, '2', 3.0), (4, '5', 6.0)] >>> with ReadCSV(filepath, (2, 1), 1, int) as reader: ... reader >> Collect() [(3, 2), (6, 5)] >>> with ReadCSV(filepath, (2, 1), 1, (str,int)) as reader: ... reader >> Collect() [('3', 2), ('6', 5)] >>> with ReadCSV(filepath, 2, 1, int) as reader: ... reader >> Collect() [3, 6] >>> filepath = 'tests/data/data.tsv' >>> with ReadCSV(filepath, skipheader=1, fmtfunc=int, ... delimiter='\\t') as reader: ... reader >> Collect() [(1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6)] :param string filepath: Path to file in CSV format. :param tuple columns: Indices of the columns to read. If None all columns are read. :param int skipheader: Number of header lines to skip. :param tuple|function fmtfunc: Function or functions to apply to the column elements of each row. :param kwargs kwargs: Keyword arguments for Python's CSV reader. See """ self.csvfile = open(filepath, 'r') self.columns = columns if columns is None else as_tuple(columns) self.fmtfunc = (lambda x: x) if fmtfunc is None else fmtfunc self.is_functions = is_iterable(self.fmtfunc) for _ in range(skipheader): next(self.csvfile) itf.take(self.csvfile, skipheader) stripped = (r.strip() for r in self.csvfile) self.reader = csv.reader(stripped, **kwargs)
[docs] def close(self): """Close reader""" self.csvfile.close() self.reader = None
def __fmt(self, row): """Format column values in row with format function(s)""" fmtfunc = self.fmtfunc if self.is_functions: assert len(fmtfunc) == len(row), \ "Number of format functions and data columns don't match" return [f(r) for f, r in zip(fmtfunc, row)] else: return [fmtfunc(r) for r in row] def __enter__(self): """Implementation of context manager API""" return self def __exit__(self, *args): """Implementation of context manager API""" self.close() def __iter__(self): """Return iterator over rows in CSV file.""" cols = self.columns for row in self.reader: row = [row[i] for i in cols] if cols else row row = self.__fmt(row) yield tuple(row) if len(row) > 1 else row[0]
[docs]class ReadNamedCSV(NutSource): """ ReadNamedCSV(filepath, colnames, fmtfunc, rowname, **kwargs) Read data in Comma Separated Format (CSV) from a CSV file with header names and returns named tuples. Can also read Tab Separated Format (TSV) and other formats. See ReadCSV and CSVWriter. >>> from nutsflow import Collect, Consume, Print >>> filepath = 'tests/data/data.csv' >>> with ReadNamedCSV(filepath) as reader: ... reader >> Print() >> Consume() Row(A='1', B='2', C='3') Row(A='4', B='5', C='6') >>> with ReadNamedCSV(filepath, rowname='Sample') as reader: ... reader >> Print() >> Consume() Sample(A='1', B='2', C='3') Sample(A='4', B='5', C='6') >>> with ReadNamedCSV(filepath, fmtfunc=int) as reader: ... reader >> Collect() [Row(A=1, B=2, C=3), Row(A=4, B=5, C=6)] >>> fmtfuncs = (int, str, float) >>> with ReadNamedCSV(filepath, fmtfunc=fmtfuncs) as reader: ... reader >> Print() >> Consume() Row(A=1, B='2', C=3.0) Row(A=4, B='5', C=6.0) >>> with ReadNamedCSV(filepath, colnames=('C', 'A'), fmtfunc=int) as reader: ... reader >> Collect() [Row(C=3, A=1), Row(C=6, A=4)] >>> with ReadNamedCSV(filepath, ('A', 'C'), int, 'Sample') as reader: ... reader >> Print() >> Consume() Sample(A=1, C=3) Sample(A=4, C=6) :param string filepath: Path to file in CSV format. :param tuple colnames: Names of columns to read. If None all columns are read. :param tuple|function fmtfunc: Function or functions to apply to the column elements of each row. :param str rowname: Name of named tuples. :param kwargs kwargs: Keyword arguments for Python's CSV reader. See """
[docs] def __init__(self, filepath, colnames=None, fmtfunc=None, rowname='Row', **kwargs): self.fmtfunc = (lambda x: x) if fmtfunc is None else fmtfunc self.is_functions = is_iterable(self.fmtfunc) self.csvfile = open(filepath, 'r') stripped = (r.strip() for r in self.csvfile) self.reader = csv.reader(stripped, **kwargs) header = next(self.reader) colnames = header if colnames is None else colnames self.cols = [header.index(n) for n in colnames] self.Row = namedtuple(rowname, colnames)
[docs] def close(self): """Close reader""" self.csvfile.close() self.reader = None
def __fmt(self, row): """Format column values in row with format function(s)""" fmtfunc = self.fmtfunc if self.is_functions: assert len(fmtfunc) == len(row), \ "Number of format functions and data columns don't match" return [f(r) for f, r in zip(fmtfunc, row)] else: return [fmtfunc(r) for r in row] def __enter__(self): """Implementation of context manager API""" return self def __exit__(self, *args): """Implementation of context manager API""" self.close() def __iter__(self): """Return iterator over rows in CSV file.""" for row in self.reader: row = [row[i] for i in self.cols] row = self.__fmt(row) yield self.Row(*row)