Custom nuts =========== >>> from nutsflow import * Cheat sheet ----------- A quick overview on how to create custom nuts. nut_function ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - **input**: single element - **output**: single element - **note**: number of elements in the data flow does not change .. code:: @nut_function def Inc(element, by): return element + by >>> Range(3) >> Inc(2) >> Collect() [2, 3, 4] nut_processor ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - **input**: iterable - **output**: iterable (preferably a generator) - **note**: number of elements in the data flow may change .. code:: @nut_processor def MyClone(iterable, n): # more outputs than inputs for e in iterable: for _ in range(n): yield e # generator! >>> Range(3) >> MyClone(3) >> Collect() [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2] .. code:: @nut_processor def MyPick(iterable, n): # less outputs than inputs for i, e in enumerate(iterable): if i % n == 0: yield e >>> Range(9) >> MyPick(3) >> Collect() [0, 3, 6] .. code:: @nut_processor def Odd(iterable): return (e for e in iterable if e % 2) # return ! >>> Range(9) >> Odd() >> Collect() [1, 3, 5, 7] nut_filter ^^^^^^^^^^ - **input**: single element - **output**: single element - **note**: number of elements in the data flow may change .. code:: @nut_filter def InInterval(element, a, b): return a <= element <= b >>> Range(10) >> InInterval(3, 6) >> Collect() [3, 4, 5, 6] nut_source ^^^^^^^^^^ - **input**: None - **output**: iterable - **note**: no input, must be at start of data flow .. code:: @nut_source def MyRange(n): return range(1, n+1) >>> MyRange(3) >> Collect() [1, 2, 3] nut_sink ^^^^^^^^ - **input**: iterable - **output**: any - **note**: processes/collects all data, should be at end of flow .. code:: @nut_sink def ToFmtList(iterable, fmt): return [fmt % e for e in iterable] >>> Range(3) >> ToFmtList('%02d') ['01', '02', '03'] Basics & Examples ----------------- **nuts-flow** can easily be extended with custom nuts using wrappers, decorators or derived classes. To clarify the differences between the approaches let us start with a simple filter. First, import **nutsflow** >>> from nutsflow import * then define a ``lambda`` function that returns ``True`` for elements greater than five >>> greater_than_5 = lambda x: x > 5 and finally filter numbers using ``Filter`` and the defined ``lambda`` predicate >>> Range(10) >> Filter(greater_than_5) >> Collect() [6, 7, 8, 9] By wrapping the lambda function via ``nut_filter``, alternatively a custom filter nut can be created >>> GreaterThan5 = nut_filter(lambda x: x > 5) that operates the same way but can be directly used as a nut >>> Range(10) >> GreaterThan5() >> Collect() [6, 7, 8, 9] Note the change from lowercase for ``greater_than_5`` to uppercase for ``GreaterThan5`` to signify the change from a Python function to a **nuts-flow** nut. This is strongly recommended to avoid confusion on how to use a function or nut. Nuts are generally in uppercase and invoked with brackets while Python functions are in lowercase, without brackets and passed on as parameters to nuts. For instance, both of the following examples are **invalid**. Here ``greater_than_5`` is confused as nut and invoked with brackets instead of being passed as a value to ``Filter`` >>> Range(10) >> Filter(greater_than_5()) >> Collect() Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: () takes exactly 1 argument (0 given) Similarily in the following example ``GreaterThan5`` is invoked without brackets >>> Range(10) >> GreaterThan5 >> Collect() Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for >>: 'Range' and 'type' `Wrappers` such as ``nut_filter(...)`` are suitable for simple one-line functions with a single parameter but become less readable when additional parameters are required, e.g. filtering with a given threshold .. code:: GreaterThan = nut_filter(lambda x, threshold: x > threshold) Range(10) >> GreaterThan(5) >> Collect() In this case `decorators` are a better solution .. code:: @nut_filter def GreaterThan(x, threshold): return x > threshold Range(10) >> GreaterThan(5) >> Collect() Invokation vs definition ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Note that for wrappers and decorators there is a difference in the arguments depending on whether the nut is *defined* or *invoked* **definitions:** .. code:: GreaterThan = nut_filter(lambda x, threshold: ...) .. code:: @nut_filter def GreaterThan(x, threshold): ... **invokation:** .. code:: x >> GreaterThan(threshold) When *invoked* the first argument of the nut (here ``x``) appears as input on the left side of the ``>>`` operator and the remaining parameters appear in brackets. In rare (more advanced) cases custom nuts can be implemented as classes derived from the relevant base classes (see ````). Here an example implementation of the ``GreaterThan`` nut as a class .. code:: class GreaterThan(Nut): def __init__(self, threshold): self.threshold = threshold def __rrshift__(self, iterable): # >> operator for x in iterable: if x > self.threshold: yield x However, decorators and wrappers are shortcuts to create nut classes and the preferred method to implement custom nuts. Nut types --------- **nuts-flow** provides six different types of wrappers/decorators - :ref:`nut_source` - :ref:`nut_sink` - :ref:`nut_function` - :ref:`nut_processor` - :ref:`nut_filter` - :ref:`nut_filterfalse` nut_source ^^^^^^^^^^ Typical cases for custom *nut sources* are the reading of files in specific formats or wrappers around databases. Here two toy examples for a wrapper and a decorator around a nut that generates ``n`` even numbers. First the wrapper approach >>> EvenNumbers = nut_source(lambda n: (2*x for x in range(n))) and here the decorator version .. code:: @nut_source def EvenNumbers(n): return (2*x for x in range(n)) Both can be used as follows >>> EvenNumbers(4) >> Collect() [0, 2, 4, 6] nut_sink ^^^^^^^^ Sinks receive an iterable and can return any result (not necessarily an iterable). The following example re-implements the ``Join`` sink that already exists in **nuts-flow** using a wrapper >>> Join = nut_sink(lambda it, sep: sep.join(map(str, it))) >>> Range(5) >> Join(':') '0:1:2:3:4' or using the decorator method .. code:: @nut_sink def Join(iterable, sep): return sep.join(map(str, iterable)) Note that while ``Join`` is a sink it returns an iterable (here a string) and can therefore serve as input to other nuts >>> Range(5) >> Join(':') >> Count() 9 The general rule is, if a nut collects/aggregates data in memory or does not return an iterable result, it should be implemented as a *sink* (despite being able to be input to other nuts). On the other hand, if a nut processes data *on-the-fly* and returns an iterator it should **not** be a *sink*. nut_function ^^^^^^^^^^^^ A *nut function* is a nut that is applied to each element in the data flow and returns a result for each element. Consequently, when a nut function is applied to a data flow the values of the elements change but not their number. The following example function multiplies each element of the data flow by ``n`` >>> Times = nut_function(lambda x, n: x * n) and here the same function via a decorator .. code:: @nut_function def Times(x, n): return x * n Usage is identical for both the wrapper and the decorator >>> Range(5) >> Times(2) >> Collect() [0, 2, 4, 6, 8] nut_processor ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A *nut processor* takes an iterable and returns an iterable but the number of elements in the output iterable can differ - this is different to a :ref:`nut_function`. If the numbers don't change both methods can be used but a :ref:`nut_function` will be simpler. For instance, here the ``Times`` nut re-implemented as a processor: >>> Times = nut_processor(lambda iterable, n: (x * n for x in iterable)) Processors are needed if the number of elements in the flow changes, e.g. here a processor nut that duplicates each element of the flow .. code:: @nut_processor def Duplicate(iterable): for e in iterable: yield e yield e Range(5) >> Duplicate() >> Collect() [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4] or more generic, a processor that clones each element ``n`` times .. code:: @nut_processor def Clone(iterable, n): for e in iterable: for _ in range(n): yield e Range(5) >> Clone(2) >> Collect() [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4] Processors can be used to filter elements from a data flow but typically the *filter nuts* described next are more appropriate and easier to implement. nut_filter ^^^^^^^^^^ As described above, *nut filters* extract elements from a data flow. Here a nut that extracts all numbers that are in a given interval >>> InInterval = nut_filter(lambda x, a, b: a <= x <= b) and the same filter implemented using the decorator .. code:: @nut_filter def InInterval(x, a, b): return a <= x <= b and how it is used >>> Range(10) >> InInterval(3, 6) >> Collect() [3, 4, 5, 6] nut_filterfalse ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Occasionally it is easier to implement a filter that extracts element that are **not** meeting a given condition. The ``nut_filterfalse`` wrapper/decorator is available for this use case. For instance, the following nut filters out all elements that are **not** equal to given value >>> Not = nut_filterfalse(lambda x, val: x == val) or implemented via the decorator .. code:: @nut_filterfalse def Not(x, val): return x == val and a usage example >>> [1, 2, 3, 4] >> Not(2) >> Collect() [1, 3, 4] ``nut_filterfalse`` is largely used to wrap existing predicate functions as nuts. For example, given a function ``isnull(x)`` we can simply write .. code:: IsValid = nut_filterfalse(isnull) which is shorter and more readable than .. code:: IsValid = nut_filter(lambda x: not isnull(x))