
A collection of common problems with solutions. Make sure nutsflow has been imported.

Write CSV file with column names

with WriteCSV(filepath) as writer:
    [('Col1', 'Col2')] >> writer
    [(1, 2), (3, 4)] >> writer

Load a mapping file

From a file with two columns create a directory that maps values in one column to the other. For instance, the following file contains Arabic numbers and their Roman counterparts.


We create a Python dictionary that maps Arabic to Roman numbers by loading the CSV file, dropping the header line, converting Arabic numbers (that are loaded as strings) to integers and collecting the results in a dictionary

>>> from nutsflow import *
>>> fpath = 'tests/data/arab2num.csv'
>>> arab2roman = ReadCSV(fpath) >> Drop(1) >> MapCol(0, int) >> Collect(dict)
>>> arab2roman[2]

For the reversed mapping (Roman to Arabic), we just flip the columns via GetCols and use skipheader=1 to skip the header line

>>> roman2arab = (ReadCSV(fpath, skipheader=1) >> MapCol(0, int) >>
... GetCols(1, 0) >> Collect(dict))
>>> roman2arab['III']