Contributions ============= Contributions to **nuts-ml** are welcome. Please document the code following the examples, provide unit tests and ensure that ``pytest`` runs without errors. Environment ----------- You will need git, Python, pytest, Sphinx installed. Unit tests ---------- .. code:: $ cd nutsml $ pytest ============================= test session starts ============================= platform win32 -- Python 2.7.13, pytest-3.0.3, py-1.4.31, pluggy-0.4.0 rootdir: C:\Maet\Projects\Python\nuts-ml, inifile: pytest.ini plugins: cov-2.3.1 collected 170 items nutsml\ ..... nutsml\ ... nutsml\ .. nutsml\ ....... nutsml\ ............................. nutsml\ . nutsml\ ssss nutsml\ . nutsml\ s.... nutsml\ . nutsml\ .......... nutsml\ .. nutsml\ . sphinx\source\faq.rst . sphinx\source\installation.rst . sphinx\source\introduction.rst s sphinx\source\tutorial\example.rst . sphinx\source\tutorial\reading_samples.rst . tests\nutsml\ ........ tests\nutsml\ . tests\nutsml\ ...... tests\nutsml\ .. tests\nutsml\ ....... tests\nutsml\ ........ tests\nutsml\ .............................. tests\nutsml\ .... tests\nutsml\ ........ tests\nutsml\ ...... tests\nutsml\ . tests\nutsml\ ........... tests\nutsml\ . tests\nutsml\ . ==================== 164 passed, 6 skipped in 8.06 seconds ==================== We are aiming at a code coverage of 100%. Run ``pytest --cov`` for verification. .. code:: $ cd nutsml $ pytest --cov ---------- coverage: platform win32, python 2.7.13-final-0 ----------- Name Stmts Miss Cover ------------------------------------------- nutsml\ 56 0 100% nutsml\ 16 0 100% nutsml\ 36 0 100% nutsml\ 14 0 100% nutsml\ 38 0 100% nutsml\ 29 0 100% nutsml\ 184 0 100% nutsml\ 33 0 100% nutsml\ 53 0 100% nutsml\ 5 0 100% nutsml\ 64 0 100% nutsml\ 12 0 100% nutsml\ 152 0 100% nutsml\ 17 0 100% nutsml\ 20 0 100% ------------------------------------------- TOTAL 729 0 100% Documentation ------------- Update Sphinx/HTML documentation as follows .. code:: cd sphinx make clean make html make test cd .. ./push_docs Style guide ----------- Code should be formatted following the `PEP-8 `_ style guide. Names of *nuts* shoulds be in CamelCase (just like class names) and describe an action, e.g. ``ReadCSV``, ``BuildBatch`` but not ``CSVReader`` or ``Batcher``. Prefer *immutable* data types, e.g. tuples over lists, for outputs of nuts and avoid nuts with *side-effects. Nuts should not *mutate* their input data but create copies. If a nut has no input it should be a *source*, for instance like ``Range``. If it doesn't output a generator or iterator it should be a *sink*, see ``Collect`` for example. If a nut outputs the same number of elements it reads, it probably is a *function* (e.g. ``Square``) otherwise a *processor*.