Overview ======== Click on a nut name for more details. **nuts-ml** is based on `nuts-flow `_, which provides additional nuts, see `nuts-flow overview `_. All ``nutsflow`` functions can be imported from ``nutsml`` as well, e.g. ``from nutsflow import Collect`` or ``from nutsml import Collect`` both work. **Network wrapping** - :class:`KerasNetwork ` : wrapper for Keras networks. - :class:`PytorchNetwork ` : wrapper for Pytorch networks. - :class:`LasagneNetwork ` : wrapper for Lasagne networks. **Data reading** - :class:`ReadLabelDirs ` : read file paths from label directories. - :class:`ReadPandas ` : read data via Pandas from file system. - :class:`ReadNumpy ` : load numpy array from file system. - :class:`ReadImage ` : load image as numpy array from file system. **Data writing** - :class:`WriteImage ` : write images to file system. **Data viewing** - :class:`ViewImage ` : display image in window. - :class:`ViewImageAnnotation ` : display image and annotation in window. **Data printing** (from nuts-flow) - :class:`Print ` : print data to console. - :class:`PrintType ` : print data type - :class:`PrintColType ` : print column data, eg. tuples - :class:`PrintProgress ` : print progress on iterable. **Sample processing** - :class:`ConvertLabel ` : convert between string labels and integer class ids. - :class:`CheckNaN ` : raise exception if data contains NaNs. - :class:`PartitionByCol ` : partition samples depending on column value. - :class:`SplitRandom ` : randomly split iterable into partitions, e.g. training, validation, test. - :class:`SplitLeaveOneOut ` : split iterable into leave-one-out train and test sets. - :class:`Stratify ` : stratifies samples by down-sampling or up-sampling. **Transforming & Augmenting** - :class:`AugmentImage ` : augment images using random transformations, e.g. rotation. - :class:`ImageAnnotationToMask ` : return bit mask for geometric image annotation. - :class:`ImageChannelMean ` : compute per-channel means over images and subtract from images. - :class:`ImageMean ` : compute mean over images and subtract from images. - :class:`ImagePatchesByAnnotation ` : randomly sample patches from image based on geometric annotation. - :class:`ImagePatchesByMask ` : randomly sample patches from image based on annotation mask. - :class:`RandomImagePatches ` : extract patches at random locations from images. - :class:`RegularImagePatches ` : extract patches in a regular grid from images. - :class:`TransformImage ` : transform images, e.g. crop, translate, rotate. - :class:`Mixup ` : mixup augmentation, see `mixup: Beyond Empirical Risk Minimization `_ **Boosting** - :class:`Boost ` : boost samples with high confidence for incorrect class. **Batching** - :class:`BuildBatch ` : build batches for GPU-based training. **Plotting** - :class:`PlotLines ` : plot lines for selected data columns, e.g. accuracy, loss. **Logging** - :class:`LogToFile ` : log sample columns to file.