.. module:: checkpoint
:synopsis: Conveniency class to create checkpoints for network training.
import os
import time
from os.path import join, exists, isdir, getmtime
from nutsml.config import Config
.. module:: checkpoint
:synopsis: Creation of checkpoints with network weights and parameters.
[docs]class Checkpoint(object):
A factory for checkpoints to periodically save network weights and other
hyper/configuration parameters.
| Example usage:
| def create_network(lr=0.01, momentum=0.9):
| model = Sequential()
| ...
| optimizer = opt.SGD(lr=lr, momentum=momentum)
| model.compile(optimizer=optimizer, metrics=['accuracy'])
| return KerasNetwork(model), optimizer
| def parameters(network, optimizer):
| return dict(lr = optimizer.lr, momentum = optimizer.momentum)
| def train_network():
| checkpoint = Checkpoint(create_network, parameters)
| network, optimizer = checkpoint.load()
| for epoch in xrange(EPOCHS):
| train_err = train_network()
| val_err = validate_network()
| if epoch % 10 == 0: # Reduce learning rate every 10 epochs
| optimizer.lr /= 2
| checkpoint.save_best(val_err)
Checkpoints can also be saved under different names, e.g.
| checkpoint.save_best(val_err, 'checkpoint'+str(epoch))
And specific checkpoints can be loaded:
| network, config = checkpoint.load('checkpoint103')
If no checkpoint is specified the most recent one is loaded.
[docs] def __init__(self, create_net, parameters, checkpointspath='checkpoints'):
Create checkpoint factory.
>>> def create_network(lr=0.1):
... return 'MyNetwork', lr
>>> def parameters(network, lr):
... return dict(lr = lr)
>>> checkpoint = Checkpoint(create_network, parameters)
>>> network, lr = checkpoint.load()
>>> network, lr
('MyNetwork', 0.1)
:param function create_net: Function that takes keyword parameters
and returns a nuts-ml Network and and any other values or objects
needed to describe the state to be checkpointed.
Note: parameters(*create_net()) must work!
:param function parameters: Function that takes output of create_net()
and returns dictionary with parameters (same as the one that are
used in create_net(...))
:param string checkpointspath: Path to folder that will contain
checkpoint folders.
if not exists(checkpointspath):
self.basepath = checkpointspath
self.create_net = create_net
self.parameters = parameters
self.state = None # network and other objets
self.network = None # only the network
self.config = None # bestscore and other checkpoint params
[docs] def dirs(self):
Return full paths to all checkpoint folders.
:return: Paths to all folders under the basedir.
:rtype: list
paths = (join(self.basepath, d) for d in os.listdir(self.basepath))
return [p for p in paths if isdir(p)]
[docs] def latest(self):
Find most recently modified/created checkpoint folder.
:return: Full path to checkpoint folder if it exists otherwise None.
:rtype: str | None
dirs = sorted(self.dirs(), key=getmtime, reverse=True)
return dirs[0] if dirs else None
[docs] def datapaths(self, checkpointname=None):
Return paths to network weights, parameters and config files.
If no checkpoints exist under basedir (None, None, None) is returned.
:param str|None checkpointname: Name of checkpoint. If name is None
the most recent checkpoint is used.
:return: (weightspath, paramspath, configpath) or (None, None, None)
:rtype: tuple
name = checkpointname
if name is None:
path = self.latest()
if path is None:
return None, None, None
path = join(self.basepath, name)
if not exists(path):
return (join(path, 'weights'), join(path, 'params.json'),
join(path, 'config.json'))
[docs] def save(self, checkpointname='checkpoint'):
Save network weights and parameters under the given name.
:param str checkpointname: Name of checkpoint folder. Path will be
:return: path to checkpoint folder
:rtype: str
weightspath, paramspath, configpath = self.datapaths(checkpointname)
self.config.timestamp = time.time()
state = self.state if hasattr(self.state, '__iter__') else [self.state]
return join(self.basepath, checkpointname)
[docs] def save_best(self, score, checkpointname='checkpoint', isloss=False):
Save best network weights and parameters under the given name.
:param float|int score: Some score indicating quality of network.
:param str checkpointname: Name of checkpoint folder.
:param bool isloss: True, score is a loss and lower is better otherwise
higher is better.
:return: path to checkpoint folder
:rtype: str
bestscore = self.config.bestscore
if (bestscore is None
or (isloss and score < bestscore)
or (not isloss and score > bestscore)):
self.config.bestscore = score
self.config.isloss = isloss
return join(self.basepath, checkpointname)
[docs] def load(self, checkpointname=None):
Create network, load weights and parameters.
:param str|none checkpointname: Name of checkpoint to load. If None
the most recent checkpoint is used. If no checkpoint exists yet
the network will be created but no weights loaded and the
default configuration will be returned.
:return: whatever self.create_net returns
:rtype: object
weightspath, paramspath, configpath = self.datapaths(checkpointname)
params = Config().load(paramspath) if paramspath else None
state = self.create_net(**params) if params else self.create_net()
self.network = state[0] if hasattr(state, '__iter__') else state
self.state = state
if weightspath:
defaultconfig = Config(bestscore=None, timestamp=None)
self.config = Config().load(configpath) if configpath else defaultconfig
return state