
Contributions to nuts-ml are welcome. Please document the code following the examples, provide unit tests and ensure that pytest runs without errors.


You will need git, Python, pytest, Sphinx installed.

Unit tests

$ cd nutsml
$ pytest

============================= test session starts =============================
platform win32 -- Python 2.7.13, pytest-3.0.3, py-1.4.31, pluggy-0.4.0
rootdir: C:\Maet\Projects\Python\nuts-ml, inifile: pytest.ini
plugins: cov-2.3.1
collected 170 items

nutsml\ .....
nutsml\ ...
nutsml\ ..
nutsml\ .......
nutsml\ .............................
nutsml\ .
nutsml\ ssss
nutsml\ .
nutsml\ s....
nutsml\ .
nutsml\ ..........
nutsml\ ..
nutsml\ .
sphinx\source\faq.rst .
sphinx\source\installation.rst .
sphinx\source\introduction.rst s
sphinx\source\tutorial\example.rst .
sphinx\source\tutorial\reading_samples.rst .
tests\nutsml\ ........
tests\nutsml\ .
tests\nutsml\ ......
tests\nutsml\ ..
tests\nutsml\ .......
tests\nutsml\ ........
tests\nutsml\ ..............................
tests\nutsml\ ....
tests\nutsml\ ........
tests\nutsml\ ......
tests\nutsml\ .
tests\nutsml\ ...........
tests\nutsml\ .
tests\nutsml\ .

==================== 164 passed, 6 skipped in 8.06 seconds ====================

We are aiming at a code coverage of 100%. Run pytest --cov for verification.

$ cd nutsml
$ pytest --cov

---------- coverage: platform win32, python 2.7.13-final-0 -----------
Name                    Stmts   Miss  Cover
nutsml\          56      0   100%
nutsml\          16      0   100%
nutsml\           36      0   100%
nutsml\           14      0   100%
nutsml\         38      0   100%
nutsml\         29      0   100%
nutsml\       184      0   100%
nutsml\           33      0   100%
nutsml\          53      0   100%
nutsml\           5      0   100%
nutsml\           64      0   100%
nutsml\         12      0   100%
nutsml\     152      0   100%
nutsml\           17      0   100%
nutsml\           20      0   100%
TOTAL                     729      0   100%


Update Sphinx/HTML documentation as follows

cd sphinx
make clean
make html
make test

cd ..

Style guide

Code should be formatted following the PEP-8 style guide.

Names of nuts shoulds be in CamelCase (just like class names) and describe an action, e.g. ReadCSV, BuildBatch but not CSVReader or Batcher.

Prefer immutable data types, e.g. tuples over lists, for outputs of nuts and avoid nuts with side-effects. Nuts should not *mutate their input data but create copies.

If a nut has no input it should be a source, for instance like Range. If it doesn’t output a generator or iterator it should be a sink, see Collect for example. If a nut outputs the same number of elements it reads, it probably is a function (e.g. Square) otherwise a processor.