Source code for nutsml.common

.. module:: common
   :synopsis: Common nuts

import numpy as np
import random as rnd

from nutsflow import (nut_function, nut_sink, NutFunction,
                      Flatten, Collect)
from nutsflow.common import StableRandom
from nutsml.datautil import group_by, shuffle_sublists

[docs]@nut_function def CheckNaN(data): """ Raise exception if data contains NaN. Useful to stop training if network doesn't converge and loss function returns NaN. Example: samples >> network.train() >> CheckNan() >> log >> Consume() >>> from nutsflow import Collect >>> [1, 2, 3] >> CheckNaN() >> Collect() [1, 2, 3] >>> import numpy as np >>> [1, np.NaN, 3] >> CheckNaN() >> Collect() Traceback (most recent call last): ... RuntimeError: NaN encountered: nan :param data: Items or iterables. :return: Return input data if it doesn't contain NaN :rtype: any :raise: RuntimeError if data contains NaN. """ if np.any(np.isnan(data)): raise RuntimeError('NaN encountered: ' + str(data)) return data
[docs]@nut_sink def PartitionByCol(iterable, column, values): """ Partition samples in iterables depending on column value. >>> samples = [(1,1), (2,0), (2,4), (1,3), (3,0)] >>> ones, twos = samples >> PartitionByCol(0, [1, 2]) >>> ones [(1, 1), (1, 3)] >>> twos [(2, 0), (2, 4)] Note that values does not need to contain all possible values. It is sufficient to provide the values for the partitions wanted. :param iterable iterable: Iterable over samples :param int column: Index of column to extract :param list values: List of column values to create partitions for. :return: tuple of partitions :rtype: tuple """ groups = group_by(iterable, lambda sample: sample[column]) return tuple(groups.get(v, []) for v in values)
[docs]class ConvertLabel(NutFunction): """ Convert string labels to integer class ids (or one-hot) and vice versa. """
[docs] def __init__(self, column, labels, onehot=False): """ Convert string labels to integer class ids (or one-hot) and vice versa. Also converts confidence vectors, e.g. softmax output or float values to class labels. >>> from nutsflow import Collect >>> labels = ['class0', 'class1', 'class2'] >>> convert = ConvertLabel(None, labels) >>> [1, 0] >> convert >> Collect() ['class1', 'class0'] >>> ['class1', 'class0'] >> convert >> Collect() [1, 0] >>> [0.9, 0.4, 1.6] >> convert >> Collect() ['class1', 'class0', 'class2'] >>> [[0.1, 0.7, 0.2], [0.8, 0.1, 0.1]] >> convert >> Collect() ['class1', 'class0'] >>> convert = ConvertLabel(None, labels, onehot=True) >>> ['class1', 'class0'] >> convert >> Collect() [[0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0]] >>> convert = ConvertLabel(1, labels) >>> [('data', 'class1'), ('data', 'class0')] >> convert >> Collect() [('data', 1), ('data', 0)] >>> [('data', 1), ('data', 2)] >> convert >> Collect() [('data', 'class1'), ('data', 'class2')] >>> [('data', 0.9)] >> convert >> Collect() [('data', 'class1')] >>> [('data', [0.1, 0.7, 0.2])] >> convert >> Collect() [('data', 'class1')] :param int column: Index of column in sample that contains label. If None process labels directly. :param list|tuple labels: List of class labels (strings). :param bool onehot: True: convert class labels to one-hot encoded vectors. False, convert to class index. """ self.column = column self.labels = labels self.onehot = onehot self.n_labels = len(labels) self.id2label = {i: l for i, l in enumerate(labels)} self.label2id = {l: i for i, l in enumerate(labels)}
[docs] def __call__(self, sample): """Return sample and replace label within sample if it is a sample""" hascol = self.column is not None x = sample[self.column] if hascol else sample if isinstance(x, str): y = self.label2id[x] elif isinstance(x, int): y = self.id2label[x] elif isinstance(x, float): y = self.id2label[round(x)] else: # assume vector with confidence values assert len(x) == len(self.labels) _, argmax = max((v, i) for i, v in enumerate(x)) y = self.id2label[argmax] if self.onehot and isinstance(y, int): y = [1 if i == y else 0 for i in range(self.n_labels)] if hascol: # input has columns => return sample outsample = list(sample) outsample[self.column] = y return tuple(outsample) else: return y
[docs]@nut_sink def SplitRandom(iterable, ratio=0.7, constraint=None, rand=None): """ Randomly split iterable into partitions. For the same input data the same split is created every time and is stable across different Python version 2.x or 3.x. A random number generator can be provided to create varying splits. >>> train, val = range(10) >> SplitRandom(ratio=0.7) >>> train, val ([6, 3, 1, 7, 0, 2, 4], [5, 9, 8]) >>> range(10) >> SplitRandom(ratio=0.7) # Same split again [[6, 3, 1, 7, 0, 2, 4], [5, 9, 8]] >>> train, val, test = range(10) >> SplitRandom(ratio=(0.6, 0.3, 0.1)) >>> train, val, test ([6, 1, 4, 0, 3, 2], [8, 7, 9], [5]) >>> data = zip('aabbccddee', range(10)) >>> same_letter = lambda t: t[0] >>> train, val = data >> SplitRandom(ratio=0.6, constraint=same_letter) >>> sorted(train) [('a', 0), ('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('b', 3), ('d', 6), ('d', 7)] >>> sorted(val) [('c', 4), ('c', 5), ('e', 8), ('e', 9)] :param iterable iterable: Iterable over anything. Will be consumed! :param float|tuple ratio: Ratio of two partition e.g. a ratio of 0.7 means 70%, 30% split. Alternatively a list or ratios can be provided, e.g. ratio=(0.6, 0.3, 0.1). Note that ratios must sum up to one and cannot be zero. :param function|None constraint: Function that returns key the elements of the iterable are grouped by before partitioning. Useful to ensure that a partition contains related elements, e.g. left and right eye images are not scattered across partitions. Note that constrains have precedence over ratios. :param Random|None rand: Random number generator. The default None ensures that the same split is created every time SplitRandom is called. This is important when continuing an interrupted training session or running the same training on machines with different Python versions. Note that Python's random.Random(0) generates different number for Python 2.x and 3.x! :return: partitions of iterable with sizes according to provided ratios. :rtype: (list, list, ...) """ rand = StableRandom(0) if rand is None else rand samples = list(iterable) if hasattr(ratio, '__iter__'): ratios = tuple(ratio) if abs(sum(ratios) - 1.0) > 1e-6: raise ValueError('Ratios must sum up to one: ' + str(ratios)) if min(ratios) <= 0: raise ValueError('Ratios cannot be zero: ' + str(ratios)) else: ratios = (ratio, 1.0 - ratio) ns = [int(len(samples) * r) for r in ratios] if constraint is None: groups = [[s] for s in samples] else: groups = list(group_by(samples, constraint, True).values()) rand.shuffle(groups) groups = iter(groups) splits = [] for n in ns[:-1]: split = [] for group in groups: split.extend(group) if len(split) >= n: splits.append(split) break splits.append([e for g in groups for e in g]) # append remaining groups shuffle_sublists(splits, rand) return splits
[docs]@nut_sink def SplitLeaveOneOut(iterable, keyfunc=None): """ Returns a leave-one-out split of the iterable. Note that SplitLeaveOneOut consumes the entire input stream and returns a generator over the leave-one-out splits. The splits are stable across Python version 2.x or 3.x and deterministic. >>> from nutsflow.common import console # just for printing >>> samples = [1, 2, 3] >>> for train, test in samples >> SplitLeaveOneOut(): ... console(train, ' ', test) [2, 3] [1] [1, 3] [2] [1, 2] [3] >>> samples = [(1, 1), (2, 0), (2, 4), (1, 3), (3, 0)] >>> splits = samples >> SplitLeaveOneOut(lambda x: x[0]) >>> for train, test in splits: ... console(train, ' ', test) [(2, 0), (2, 4), (3, 0)] [(1, 1), (1, 3)] [(1, 1), (1, 3), (3, 0)] [(2, 0), (2, 4)] [(1, 1), (1, 3), (2, 0), (2, 4)] [(3, 0)] :param iterable iterable: Iterable over anything. Will be consumed! :param function/None keyfunc: Function that returns value the split is based on. If None, the sample itself serves as key. :return: generator over leave-one-out train and test splits (train, test) :rtype: Generator[(list, list)] """ samples = list(iterable) if keyfunc is None: keyfunc = lambda x: x groups = list(group_by(samples, keyfunc, True).values()) idxs = range(len(groups)) for i in idxs: test = groups[i] others = (groups[k] for k in idxs if k != i) train = others >> Flatten() >> Collect() yield train, test