.. module:: datautil
:synopsis: Utility functions for non-image data
import random as rnd
import collections as cl
from six import iteritems
from nutsflow.common import as_set
[docs]def upsample(samples, labelcol, rand=None):
Up-sample sample set.
Creates stratified samples by up-sampling smaller classes to the size of
the largest class.
Note: The example shown below uses rnd.Random(i) to create a deterministic
sequence of randomly stratified samples. Usually it is sufficient to use
the default (rand=None).
>>> from __future__ import print_function
>>> import random as rnd
>>> samples = [('pos1', 1), ('pos2', 1), ('neg1', 0)]
>>> for i in range(3): # doctest: +SKIP
... print(upsample(samples, 1, rand=rnd.Random(i)))
[('neg1', 0), ('neg1', 0), ('pos1', 1), ('pos2', 1)]
[('pos2', 1), ('neg1', 0), ('pos1', 1), ('neg1', 0)]
[('neg1', 0), ('neg1', 0), ('pos1', 1), ('pos2', 1)]
:param iterable samples: Iterable of samples where each sample has a
label at a fixed position (labelcol). Labels can by any hashable type,
e.g. int, str, bool
:param int labelcol: Index of label in sample
:param Random|None rand: Random number generator. If None,
random.Random(None) is used.
:return: Stratified sample set.
:rtype: list of samples
rand = rnd.Random() if rand is None else rand
groups, labelcnts = group_samples(samples, labelcol)
_, max_cnts = max(iteritems(labelcnts), key=lambda l_c: l_c[1])
stratified = []
for label, samples in iteritems(groups):
extended = samples * int((max_cnts / len(samples) + 1))
return stratified
[docs]def random_downsample(samples, labelcol, rand=None, ordered=False):
Randomly down-sample samples.
Creates stratified samples by down-sampling larger classes to the size of
the smallest class.
Note: The example shown below uses StableRandom(i) to create a deterministic
sequence of randomly stratified samples. Usually it is sufficient to use
the default (rand=None). Do NOT use rnd.Random(0) since this
will generate the same subsample every time.
>>> from __future__ import print_function
>>> from nutsflow.common import StableRandom
>>> samples = [('pos1', 1), ('pos2', 1), ('pos3', 1),
... ('neg1', 0), ('neg2', 0)]
>>> for i in range(3):
... print(random_downsample(samples, 1, StableRandom(i), True))
[('pos2', 1), ('pos3', 1), ('neg2', 0), ('neg1', 0)]
[('pos2', 1), ('pos3', 1), ('neg2', 0), ('neg1', 0)]
[('pos2', 1), ('pos1', 1), ('neg1', 0), ('neg2', 0)]
:param iterable samples: Iterable of samples where each sample has a
label at a fixed position (labelcol). Labels can be any hashable type,
e.g. int, str, bool
:param int labelcol: Index of label in sample
:param Random|None rand: Random number generator. If None,
random.Random(None) is used.
:param bool ordered: True: samples are kept in order when downsampling.
:return: Stratified sample set.
:rtype: list of samples
rand = rnd.Random() if rand is None else rand
groups, labelcnts = group_samples(samples, labelcol, ordered=ordered)
_, min_cnts = min(iteritems(labelcnts), key=lambda l_c1: l_c1[1])
return [s for e in groups.values() for s in rand.sample(e, min_cnts)]
[docs]def group_samples(samples, labelcol, ordered=False):
Return samples grouped by label and label counts.
>>> samples = [('pos', 1), ('pos', 1), ('neg', 0)]
>>> groups, labelcnts = group_samples(samples, 1, True)
>>> groups
OrderedDict([(1, [('pos', 1), ('pos', 1)]), (0, [('neg', 0)])])
>>> labelcnts
Counter({1: 2, 0: 1})
:param iterable samples: Iterable of samples where each sample has a
label at a fixed position (labelcol)
:param int labelcol: Index of label in sample
:param bool ordered: True: samples are kept in order when grouping.
:return: (groups, labelcnts) where groups is a dict containing
samples grouped by label, and labelcnts is a Counter dict
containing label frequencies.
:rtype: tuple(dict, Counter)
labelcnts = cl.Counter(s[labelcol] for s in samples)
groups = group_by(samples, lambda s: s[labelcol], ordered=ordered)
return groups, labelcnts
[docs]def group_by(elements, keyfunc, ordered=False):
Group elements using the given key function.
>>> is_odd = lambda x: bool(x % 2)
>>> numbers = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> group_by(numbers, is_odd, True)
OrderedDict([(False, [0, 2, 4]), (True, [1, 3])])
:param iterable elements: Any iterable
:param function keyfunc: Function that returns key to group by
:param bool ordered: True: return OrderedDict else return dict
:return: dictionary with results of keyfunc as keys and the elements
for that key as value
:rtype: dict|OrderedDict
groups = cl.OrderedDict() if ordered else dict()
for e in elements:
key = keyfunc(e)
if key in groups:
groups[key] = [e]
return groups
[docs]def col_map(sample, columns, func, *args, **kwargs):
Map function to given columns of sample and keep other columns
>>> sample = (1, 2, 3)
>>> add_n = lambda x, n: x + n
>>> col_map(sample, 1, add_n, 10)
(1, 12, 3)
>>> col_map(sample, (0, 2), add_n, 10)
(11, 2, 13)
:param tuple|list sample: Sample
:param int|tuple columns: Single or multiple column indices.
:param function func: Function to map
:param args args: Arguments passed on to function
:param kwargs kwargs: Keyword arguments passed on to function
:return: Sample where function has been applied to elements in the given
colset = as_set(columns)
f, a, kw = func, args, kwargs
enum_iter = enumerate(sample)
return tuple(f(e, *a, **kw) if i in colset else e for i, e in enum_iter)
[docs]def shuffle_sublists(sublists, rand):
Shuffles the lists within a list but not the list itself.
>>> from nutsflow.common import StableRandom
>>> rand = StableRandom(0)
>>> sublists = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6, 7]]
>>> shuffle_sublists(sublists, rand)
>>> sublists
[[1, 3, 2], [4, 5, 7, 6]]
:param sublists: A list containing lists
:param Random rand: A random number generator.
for sublist in sublists: