Source code for nutsml.fileutil

.. module:: fileutil
   :synopsis: File system utilities.

import glob
import os
import os.path as op
import shutil
import uuid

TEMP_FOLDER = 'temp'

[docs]def create_filename(prefix='', ext=''): """ Create a unique filename. :param str prefix: Prefix to add to filename. :param str ext: Extension to append to filename, e.g. 'jpg' :return: Unique filename. :rtype: str """ suffix = '.' + ext if ext else '' return prefix + str(uuid.uuid4()) + suffix
[docs]def create_temp_filepath(prefix='', ext='', relative=True): """ Create a temporary folder under :py:data:`TEMP_FOLDER`. If the folder already exists do nothing. Return relative (default) or absolute path to a temp file with a unique name. See related function :func:`.create_filename`. :param str prefix: Prefix to add to filename. :param str ext: Extension to append to filename, e.g. 'jpg' :param bool relative: True: return relative path, otherwise absolute path. :return: Path to file with unique name in temp folder. :rtype: str """ create_folders(TEMP_FOLDER) rel_path = op.join(TEMP_FOLDER, create_filename(prefix, ext)) return rel_path if relative else op.abspath(rel_path)
[docs]def create_folders(path, mode=0o777): """ Create folder(s). Don't fail if already existing. See related functions :func:`.delete_folders` and :func:`.clear_folder`. :param str path: Path of folders to create, e.g. 'foo/bar' :param int mode: File creation mode, e.g. 0777 """ if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path, mode)
[docs]def delete_file(path): """ Remove file at given path. Don't fail if non-existing. :param str path: Path to file to delete, e.g. 'foo/bar/file.txt' """ if os.path.exists(path): os.remove(path)
[docs]def delete_folders(path): """ Remove folder and sub-folders. Don't fail if non-existing or not empty. :param str path: Path of folders to delete, e.g. 'foo/bar' """ if os.path.exists(path): shutil.rmtree(path)
[docs]def delete_temp_data(): """ Remove :py:data:`TEMP_FOLDER` and all its contents. """ delete_folders(TEMP_FOLDER)
[docs]def clear_folder(path): """ Remove all content (files and folders) within the specified folder. :param str path: Path of folder to clear. """ for sub_path in glob.glob(op.join(path, "*")): if os.path.isfile(sub_path): os.remove(sub_path) else: shutil.rmtree(sub_path)
[docs]def reader_filepath(sample, filename, pathfunc): """ Construct filepath from sample, filename and/or pathfunction. Helper function used in ReadImage and ReadNumpy. :param tuple|list sample: E.g. ('nut_color', 1) :param filename: :param string|function|None pathfunc: Filepath with wildcard '*', which is replaced by the file id/name provided in the sample, e.g. 'tests/data/img_formats/*.jpg' for sample ('nut_grayscale', 2) will become 'tests/data/img_formats/nut_grayscale.jpg' or Function to compute path to image file from sample, e.g. lambda sample: 'tests/data/img_formats/{1}.jpg'.format(*sample) or None, in this case the filename is taken as the filepath. :return: """ if isinstance(pathfunc, str): return pathfunc.replace('*', filename) if hasattr(pathfunc, '__call__'): return pathfunc(sample) return filename