Source code for nutsml.logger

.. module:: logger
   :synopsis: Data logging

import os
import numpy as np
from warnings import warn
from nutsflow import NutFunction
from nutsflow.common import as_tuple

[docs]class LogToFile(NutFunction): """ Log columns of data to file. """
[docs] def __init__(self, filepath, cols=None, colnames=None, reset=True, delimiter=','): """ Construct logger. >>> from __future__ import print_function >>> from nutsflow import Consume >>> filepath = 'tests/data/temp_logfile.csv' >>> data = [[1, 2], [3, 4]] >>> with LogToFile(filepath) as logtofile: ... data >> logtofile >> Consume() >>> print(open(filepath).read()) 1,2 3,4 <BLANKLINE> >>> logtofile = LogToFile(filepath, cols=(1, 0), colnames=['a', 'b']) >>> data >> logtofile >> Consume() >>> print(open(filepath).read()) a,b 2,1 4,3 <BLANKLINE> >>> logtofile.close() >>> logtofile.delete() :param string filepath: Path to file to write log to. :param int|tuple|None cols: Indices of columns of input data to write. None: write all columns int: only write the single given column tuple: list of column indices :param tuple|None colnames: Column names to write in first line. If None no colnames are written. :param bool reset: If True the writing to the log file is reset if the logger is recreated. Otherwise log data is appended to the log file. :param str delimiter: Delimiter for columns in log file. """ self.cols = cols self.reset = reset self.delim = delimiter self.filepath = filepath self.f = open(filepath, 'w' if self.reset else 'a') if colnames: self._writerow(colnames)
def _writerow(self, row): """Write row as string to log file and flush""" self.f.write(self.delim.join(map(str, row))) self.f.write('\n') self.f.flush()
[docs] def __call__(self, x): """ Log x :param any x: Any type of data. Special support for numpy arrays. :return: Return input unchanged :rtype: Same as input """ if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): row = x.tolist() if x.ndim else [x.item()] else: row = x if not self.cols is None: row = [row[i] for i in as_tuple(self.cols)] self._writerow(row) return x
[docs] def delete(self): """Delete log file""" self.close() os.remove(self.filepath)
[docs] def close(self): """Implementation of context manager API""" self.f.close()
def __enter__(self): """Implementation of context manager API""" return self def __exit__(self, *args): """Implementation of context manager API""" self.close()
[docs]class LogCols(LogToFile):
[docs] def __init__(self, filepath, cols=None, colnames=None, reset=True, delimiter=','): LogToFile.__init__(self, filepath, cols, colnames, reset, delimiter) warn('LogCols is deprecated. Use LogToFile!', DeprecationWarning)