.. module:: network
:synopsis: Wrapper around other network APIs such as Lasagne, Keras and
Pytorch to enable usage within nuts-flow/ml.
For instance, with a wrapped network one can write:
samples >> build_batch >> network.train() >> log_loss >> Consume()
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
from nutsflow.common import itemize
from nutsflow import (nut_processor, nut_sink, Collect, Map,
Flatten, Get)
def TrainValNut(batches, func, **kwargs):
batches >> TrainValNut(func, **kwargs)
Create nut to train or validate a network.
:param iterable over batches batches: Batches to train/validate.
:param function func: Training or validation function of network.
:param kwargs kwargs: Keyword arguments passed on to function.
:return: Result(s) of training/validation function, e.g. loss, accuracy, ...
:rtype: float or array/tuple of floats
for batch in batches:
yield func(*batch, **kwargs)
def PredictNut(batches, func, flatten=True):
batches >> PredictNut(func)
Create nut to perform network predictions.
:param iterable over batches batches: Batches to create predictions for.
:param function func: Prediction function
:param bool flatten: True: flatten output. Instead of returning batch of
predictions return individual predictions
:return: Result(s) of prediction
:rtype: typically array with class probabilities (softmax vector)
for batch in batches:
pred_batch = func(batch)
if flatten:
for prediction in pred_batch:
yield prediction
yield pred_batch
def EvalNut(batches, network, metrics, compute, predcol=None):
batches >> EvalNut(network, metrics)
Create nut to evaluate network performance for given metrics.
Returned when network.evaluate() is called.
:param iterable over batches batches: Batches to evaluate
:param nutmsml.Network network:
:param list of functions metrics: List of functions that compute
some metric, e.g. accuracy, F1, kappa-score.
Each metric function must take vectors with true and
predicted classes/probabilities and must compute the
metric over the entire input (not per sample/mini-batch).
:param function compute: Function of the form f(metric, targets, preds)
that computes the given metric (e.g. mean accuracy) for the given
targets and predictions.
:param int|None predcol: Index of column in prediction to extract
for evaluation. If None a single prediction output is
:return: Result(s) of evaluation, e.g. accuracy, precision, ...
:rtype: float or tuple of floats if there is more than one metric
targets = []
def accumulate(batch):
inputs, outputs = batch
target = outputs[0] if isinstance(outputs, list) else outputs
return inputs
preds = (batches >> Map(accumulate) >> network.predict(flatten=False) >>
Get(predcol) >> Flatten() >> Collect())
targets, preds = np.vstack(targets), np.vstack(preds)
targets = targets.astype(np.float)
results = tuple(compute(m, targets, preds) for m in metrics)
return results if len(results) > 1 else results[0]
[docs]class Network(object):
Abstract base class for networks. Allows to wrap existing network APIs
such as Lasagne, Keras or Pytorch into an API that enables direct usage
of the network as a Nut in a nuts flow.
[docs] def __init__(self, weightspath):
Constructs base wrapper for networks.
:param string weightspath: Filepath where network weights are saved to
and loaded from.
self.weightspath = weightspath
self.best_score = None # score of best scoring network so far
def _weightspath(self, weightspath):
Return give weightspath if not None else return self.weightspath.
:param string|None weightspath: Path to network weights or None.
:return: Return weightspath
return self.weightspath if weightspath is None else weightspath
[docs] def train(self):
Train network
>>> train_losses = samples >> batcher >> network.train() >> Collect() # doctest: +SKIP
:return: Typically returns training loss per batch.
raise NotImplementedError('Implement train()!')
[docs] def validate(self):
Validate network
>>> val_losses = samples >> batcher >> network.validate() >> Collect() # doctest: +SKIP
:return: Typically returns validation loss per batch.
raise NotImplementedError('Implement validate()!')
[docs] def predict(self, flatten=True):
Get network predictions
>>> predictions = samples >> batcher >> network.predict() >> Collect() # doctest: +SKIP
:param bool flatten: True: return individual predictions instead
of batched prediction
:return: Typically returns softmax class probabilities.
:rtype: ndarray
raise NotImplementedError('Implement predict()!')
[docs] def evaluate(self, metrics, predcol=None, targetcol=-1):
Evaluate performance of network for given metrices
>>> acc, f1 = samples >> batcher >> network.evaluate([accuracy, f1_score]) # doctest: +SKIP
:param list metric: List of metrics. See EvalNut for details.
:param int|None predcol: Index of column in prediction to extract
for evaluation. If None a single prediction output is
:param int targetcol: Index of batch column that contain targets.
:return: Result for each metric as a tuple or a single float if
there is only one metric.
raise NotImplementedError('Implement evaluate()!')
[docs] def save_best(self, score, isloss=True):
Save weights of best network
:param float score: Score of the network, e.g. loss, accuracy
:param bool isloss: True means lower score is better, e.g. loss
and the network with the lower score score is saved.
if (not self.best_score or
(isloss is True and score <= self.best_score) or
(isloss is False and score >= self.best_score)):
self.best_score = score
[docs] def save_weights(self, weightspath=None):
Save network weights.
| network.save_weights()
:param string weightspath: Path to network weights.
self.weightspath is used if weightspath is None.
raise NotImplementedError('Implement save_weights()!')
[docs] def load_weights(self, weightspath=None):
Load network weights.
| network.load_weights()
:param string weightspath: Path to network weights.
self.weightspath is used if weightspath is None.
raise NotImplementedError('Implement load_weights()!')
[docs] def print_layers(self):
"""Print description of the network layers"""
raise NotImplementedError('Implement print_layers()!')
[docs]class LasagneNetwork(Network): # pragma no cover
Wrapper for Lasagne models: https://lasagne.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
[docs] def __init__(self, out_layer, train_fn, val_fn, pred_fn,
Construct wrapper around Lasagne network.
:param Lasgane layer out_layer: Output layer of Lasagne network.
:param Theano function train_fn: Training function
:param Theano function val_fn: Validation function
:param Theano function pred_fn: Prediction function
:param string weightspath: Filepath to save/load model weights.
Network.__init__(self, weightspath)
self.out_layer = out_layer
self.train_fn = train_fn
self.val_fn = val_fn
self.pred_fn = pred_fn
def _layers(layer, ret_input=False):
"""Return network layers. InputLayer is returned if ret_input==True."""
while hasattr(layer, 'input_layer'):
yield layer
layer = layer.input_layer
if ret_input:
yield layer
def _get_named_params(network):
"""Return layer parameters and names"""
for l_num, layer in enumerate(LasagneNetwork._layers(network)):
for p_num, param in enumerate(layer.get_params()):
name = '{}_{}'.format(l_num, p_num)
yield name, param
[docs] def train(self, **kwargs):
return TrainValNut(self.train_fn, **kwargs)
[docs] def validate(self, **kwargs):
return TrainValNut(self.val_fn, **kwargs)
[docs] def predict(self, flatten=True):
return PredictNut(self.pred_fn, flatten)
[docs] def evaluate(self, metrics, predcol=None):
def compute(metric, targets, preds):
result = metric(targets, preds)
return result.eval() if hasattr(result, 'eval') else result
return EvalNut(self, metrics, compute, predcol)
[docs] def save_weights(self, weightspath=None):
weightspath = super(LasagneNetwork, self)._weightspath(weightspath)
weights = {name: p.get_value() for name, p in
np.savez_compressed(weightspath, **weights)
[docs] def load_weights(self, weightspath=None):
weightspath = super(LasagneNetwork, self)._weightspath(weightspath)
weights = np.load(weightspath)
for name, param in LasagneNetwork._get_named_params(self.out_layer):
[docs] def print_layers(self):
import lasagne as la
layers = list(LasagneNetwork._layers(self.out_layer, ret_input=True))
for i, layer in enumerate(reversed(layers)):
name = layer.__class__.__name__
shape = la.layers.get_output_shape(layer)
print('{:3d} {:30s} {}'.format(i, name, shape), end=' ')
if hasattr(layer, 'filter_size'):
print('{}'.format(layer.filter_size[0]), end='//')
elif hasattr(layer, 'pool_size'):
is_int = isinstance(layer.pool_size, int)
size = layer.pool_size if is_int else layer.pool_size[0]
print('{}'.format(size), end='//')
if hasattr(layer, 'p'):
print(' [{:.2f}]'.format(layer.p), end='')
if hasattr(layer, 'stride'):
print('{}'.format(layer.stride[0]), end='')
if hasattr(layer, 'learning_rate_scale'):
if layer.learning_rate_scale != 1.0:
lr_scale = layer.learning_rate_scale
print(' [lr_scale={:.2f}]'.format(lr_scale), end='')
if hasattr(layer, 'params'):
for param in layer.params:
if 'trainable' not in layer.params[param]:
print(' [NT]', end='')
[docs]class KerasNetwork(Network): # pragma no cover
Wrapper for Keras models: https://keras.io/
[docs] def __init__(self, model, weightspath='weights_keras_net.hd5'):
Construct wrapper around Keras model.
:param Keras model model: Keras model to wrap. See
:param string weightspath: Filepath to save/load model weights.
Network.__init__(self, weightspath)
self.model = model
# Since Keras with tensorflow 2.x the function train_on_batch()
# does not accept a batch format of [[inputs],[outputs]] anymore,
# while other similar function such as test_on_batch, predict_on_batch
# are still fine with it. Therefore only fixing for train_on_batch
# where sublist are removed if inputs and/or outputs are single items.
def _train_on_batch(self, x_batches, y_batches, **kwargs):
x_batches, y_batches = itemize(x_batches), itemize(y_batches)
return self.model.train_on_batch(x_batches, y_batches, kwargs)
[docs] def train(self, **kwargs):
return TrainValNut(self._train_on_batch, **kwargs)
[docs] def validate(self, **kwargs):
return TrainValNut(self.model.test_on_batch, **kwargs)
[docs] def predict(self, flatten=True):
return PredictNut(self.model.predict_on_batch, flatten)
[docs] def evaluate(self, metrics, predcol=None):
def compute(metric, targets, preds):
result = metric(targets, preds).numpy()
is_vector = hasattr(result, '__iter__')
return float(np.mean(result) if is_vector else result)
return EvalNut(self, metrics, compute, predcol)
[docs] def save_weights(self, weightspath=None):
weightspath = super(KerasNetwork, self)._weightspath(weightspath)
[docs] def load_weights(self, weightspath=None):
weightspath = super(KerasNetwork, self)._weightspath(weightspath)
[docs] def print_layers(self):
[docs]class PytorchNetwork(Network): # pragma no cover
Wrapper for Pytorch models:
[docs] def __init__(self, model, weightspath='weights_pytorch_net.pt'):
Construct wrapper around Pytorch model.
:param Pytorch model model: Pytorch model to wrap.
model needs to have three attributes:
| model.device:, e.g 'cuda:0' or 'cpu'
| model.optimizer: e.g. torch.optim.SGD
| model.losses: (list of) loss functions, e.g. F.cross_entropy
:param string weightspath: Filepath to save/load model weights.
Network.__init__(self, weightspath)
assert hasattr(model, 'device')
assert hasattr(model, 'optimizer')
assert hasattr(model, 'losses')
self.model = model
def _to_tensor(self, batches, flatten):
Convert batches into Pytorch tensors.
:param list|ndarray batches: Numpy array or list of arrays.
:param bool flatten: If true and batch contains only one column
return single tensor instead of list of tensors.
:return: List of batches as PyTorch tensors or a single tensor
:rtype: [tensors] or tensor
import torch
T = lambda b: torch.as_tensor(b, device=self.model.device)
batches = self._to_list(batches)
tensors = [T(b) for b in batches if not isinstance(b, str)]
if flatten and len(tensors) == 1:
return tensors[0]
return tensors
def _to_list(self, x):
Wraps x in a list if it is not already a list.
:param object x: Any object.
:return: x wrapped in list
:rtype: list
return x if isinstance(x, list) else [x]
def _train_batch(self, x_batches, y_batches, *args):
Performs a single gradient step on a batch.
:param ndarray|[ndarray] x_batches: Input batch or list of batches
:param ndarray|[ndarray] y_batches: Output batch or list of batches
:return: losses. If there is multiple outputs then a list with
the losses for each output and the mean over these losses
is returned. Otherwise a single float with the loss is returned.
:rtype: float|[float]
x_tensors = self._to_tensor(x_batches, True)
y_tensors = self._to_tensor(y_batches, False)
model = self.model
y_preds = self._to_list(model(x_tensors, *args))
loss_fns = self._to_list(model.losses)
losses = []
for loss_fn, y_pred, y_true in zip(loss_fns, y_preds, y_tensors):
loss = loss_fn(y_pred, y_true)
return [np.mean(losses)] + losses if len(losses) > 1 else losses[0]
def _validate_batch(self, x_batches, y_batches, *args):
Performs a forward step to compute losses.
:param [ndarray] x_batches: List of input batches
:param [ndarray] y_batches: List of output/target batches
:return: losses. If there is multiple outputs then a list with
the losses for each output and the mean over these losses
is returned. Otherwise a single float with the loss is returned.
:rtype: float|[float]
import torch
losses = []
with torch.no_grad():
x_tensors = self._to_tensor(x_batches, True)
y_tensors = self._to_tensor(y_batches, False)
model = self.model
y_preds = self._to_list(model(x_tensors, *args))
loss_fns = self._to_list(model.losses)
for loss_fn, y_pred, y_true in zip(loss_fns, y_preds, y_tensors):
loss = loss_fn(y_pred, y_true)
return [np.mean(losses)] + losses if len(losses) > 1 else losses[0]
def _predict_batch(self, x_batches, *args):
Performs a forward step to compute output.
:param [ndarray] x_batches: List of input batches
:return: network outputs
:rtype: list
import torch
with torch.no_grad():
x_tensors = self._to_tensor(x_batches, True)
y_preds = self.model(x_tensors, *args)
return [p.cpu().numpy() for p in y_preds]
[docs] def train(self, **kwargs):
return TrainValNut(self._train_batch, **kwargs)
[docs] def validate(self, **kwargs):
return TrainValNut(self._validate_batch, **kwargs)
[docs] def predict(self, flatten=True):
return PredictNut(self._predict_batch, flatten)
[docs] def evaluate(self, metrics, predcol=None):
def compute(metric, targets, preds):
result = metric(targets, preds)
return result.item() if hasattr(result, 'item') else result
return EvalNut(self, metrics, compute, predcol)
[docs] def save_weights(self, weightspath=None):
import torch
weightspath = super(PytorchNetwork, self)._weightspath(weightspath)
torch.save(self.model.state_dict(), weightspath)
[docs] def load_weights(self, weightspath=None):
import torch
weightspath = super(PytorchNetwork, self)._weightspath(weightspath)
[docs] def print_layers(self, input_shape=None):
Print network architecture (and layer dimensions).
:param tuple|None input_shape: (C, H, W) or None
If None, layer dimensions and param numbers are not printed.
if input_shape:
from torchsummary import summary
device = self.model.device[:4] # remove GPU id, e.g. cuda:0
summary(self.model, input_shape, device=device)