Source code for nutsml.writer

.. module:: writer
   :synopsis: Writing of sample and image data
from __future__ import absolute_import
import os

import as sio

from inspect import isfunction
from nutsml.fileutil import create_folders
from nutsflow.base import NutFunction
from nutsflow.source import Enumerate

[docs]class WriteImage(NutFunction): """ Write images within samples. """
[docs] def __init__(self, column, pathfunc, namefunc=None): """ Write images within samples to file. Writes jpg, gif, png, tif and bmp format depending on file extension. Images in samples are expected to be numpy arrays. See nutsml.util.load_image for details. Folders on output file path are created if missing. >>> from nutsml import ReadImage >>> from nutsflow import Collect, Get, GetCols, Consume, Unzip >>> samples = [('nut_color', 1), ('nut_grayscale', 2)] >>> inpath = 'tests/data/img_formats/*.bmp' >>> img_samples = samples >> ReadImage(0, inpath) >> Collect() >>> imagepath = 'tests/data/test_*.bmp' >>> names = samples >> Get(0) >> Collect() >>> img_samples >> WriteImage(0, imagepath, names) >> Consume() >>> imagepath = 'tests/data/test_*.bmp' >>> names = samples >> Get(0) >> Collect() >>> images = img_samples >> Get(0) >>> images >> WriteImage(None, imagepath, names) >> Consume() >>> imagepath = 'tests/data/test_*.bmp' >>> namefunc = lambda sample: sample[1] >>> (samples >> GetCols(0,0,1) >> ReadImage(0, inpath) >> ... WriteImage(0, imagepath, namefunc) >> Consume()) :param int|None column: Column in sample that contains image or take sample itself if column is None. :param str|function pathfunc: Filepath with wildcard '*', which is replaced by the name provided names e.g. 'tests/data/img_formats/*.jpg' for names = ['nut_grayscale'] will become 'tests/data/img_formats/nut_grayscale.jpg' or Function to compute path to image file from sample and name, e.g. pathfunc=lambda sample, name: 'tests/data/test_{}.jpg'.format(name) :param iterable|function|None namefunc: Iterable over names to generate image paths from (length need to be the same as samples), or Function to compute filenames from sample, e.g. namefunc=lambda samples: sample[0] if None, Enumerate() is used. """ namefunc = Enumerate() if namefunc is None else namefunc self.namefunc = namefunc if isfunction(namefunc) else iter(namefunc) self.column = column self.pathfunc = pathfunc
[docs] def __call__(self, sample): """Return sample and write image within sample""" pathfunc, namefunc = self.pathfunc, self.namefunc name = namefunc(sample) if isfunction(namefunc) else next(namefunc) if isinstance(pathfunc, str): filepath = pathfunc.replace('*', str(name)) elif isfunction(pathfunc): filepath = pathfunc(sample, name) else: raise ValueError('Expect path or function: ' + str(pathfunc)) create_folders(os.path.split(filepath)[0]) img = sample if self.column is None else sample[self.column] sio.imsave(filepath, img) return sample