Splitting and stratifying

Splitting data sets into training and test sets, and ensuring a balanced distribution of class labels are common preprocessing tasks for machine learning.

Splitting data

We start with a toy example, and randomly split a list of numbers ranging from 0 to 9 into a training and a testing set with a size ratio of 70%:

>>> train, test = range(10) >> SplitRandom(ratio=0.7)
>>> print('\n', train, '\n', test)
[6, 3, 1, 7, 0, 2, 4]
[5, 9, 8]

Note that SplitRandom() is a sink and no Collect() or Consume() is required at the end of the pipeline. SplitRandom() returns a tuple containing the split data sets. Often a three-fold split into a training, validation and testing set is needed and this is easily done as well:

>>> train, val, test = range(10) >> SplitRandom(ratio=(0.6, 0.3, 0.1))
>>> print(train, val, test)
([6, 1, 4, 0, 3, 2], [8, 7, 9], [5])

SplitRandom() randomizes the order of the samples in the split but uses the same seed for the randomization for each call. You can provide a random number generator to create seed-dependent splits, e.g.

>>> from nutsflow.common import StableRandom
>>> rand = StableRandom(seed=0)
>>> range(10) >> SplitRandom(ratio=0.7, rand=rand)
[[6, 3, 1, 7, 0, 2, 4], [5, 9, 8]]


Python’s pseudo random number generator random.Random(0) returns different number sequences for Python 2.x and 3.x – with the same seed! If you need repeatable results across Python versions, e.g. for unit testing, use StableRandom().

Occasionally, there are constraints on how the data can be split. For instance, in medical data sets records originating from the same patient should not be distributed across sets, since this would bias the results. SplitRandom() supports a constraint function and in the following example we ensure that numbers with the same parity are not scattered across splits:

>>> same_parity = lambda x: x % 2 == 0
>>> range(10) >> SplitRandom(ratio=0.5, constraint=same_parity)
[[0, 2, 6, 8, 4], [3, 1, 7, 5, 9]]

Note that the constraint has precedence over the ratio. For instance, for a ratio of 0.7 the constraint holds (even or odd numbers are not scattered over splits) but the first split contains all samples and the second split is empty, violating the 0.7 ratio of split sizes:

>>> range(10) >> SplitRandom(ratio=0.7, constraint=same_parity)
[[0, 5, 2, 6, 4, 9, 8, 7, 3, 1], []]

Let’s close with a more realistic example. We load the Iris flower data set and split it into training and testing sets:

>>> train, test = ReadPandas('tests/data/iris.csv') >> SplitRandom(ratio=0.5)
>>> len(train), len(test)
(74, 75)

As you can see, with a split ratio of 0.5 training and test are roughly about the same size.


SplitRandom() loads all samples into memory. Splitting therefore has to occur before large data object (e.g. images) belonging to samples are loaded.

If your data set is very small, you likely will need a leave-one-out split, which can be performed via SplitLeaveOneOut():

>>> samples = [1, 2, 3]
>>> for train, test in samples >> SplitLeaveOneOut():
...     print(train, ' : ', test)
[2, 3]  :  [1]
[1, 3]  :  [2]
[1, 2]  :  [3]

Stratifying data

Real world data often contains considerably different numbers of samples for the classes to learn (class imbalance). Training a classifier on such an unbalanced data set could introduce a classification bias. Typically the classifier is more accurate on the class with more samples. A common method to avoid this bias, is to stratify the data by over- or under-sampling samples based on their class labels.

In the following example, we create an artificial sample set with 10 samples belonging to the good class and 100 samples for the bad class. CountValues() returns a dictionary with the sample frequencies for the class labels:

>>> samples = [(0, 'good')] * 10 + [(1, 'bad')] * 100
>>> labelcol = 1
>>> labeldist = samples >> CountValues(labelcol)
>>> print(labeldist)
{'good': 10, 'bad': 100}

Obviously, this is a strongly unbalanced data set. After stratification the samples frequencies are much more balanced:

>>> stratified = samples >> Stratify(labelcol, labeldist) >> Collect()
>>> print(stratified >> CountValues(labelcol))
{'good': 10, 'bad': 9}

Stratify() requires the label distribution of the unbalanced data set as input and down-sampling is based on the sample frequencies in labeldist. If the label distribution is known upfront, it can provided directly and there is no need to call CountValues().


Stratify() randomly selects samples but does not change the order of samples. Use Shuffle to ensure random ordering, e.g. Stratify() >> Shuffle(1000) >> Collect().

Splitting and stratifying

In this example we combine loading, splitting and stratification of sample data. We take only 120 of the 150 samples of the Iris flower data set to create an artificially unbalanced sample set:

>>> filepath = 'tests/data/iris.csv'
>>> train, test = ReadPandas(filepath) >> Take(120) >> SplitRandom(ratio=0.7)
>>> labelcol = 4
>>> train >> CountValues(labelcol)
{'Iris-versicolor': 33, 'Iris-setosa': 35, 'Iris-virginica': 16}

Next we stratify and shuffle the training data:

>>> labeldist = train >> CountValues(labelcol)
>>> train >> Stratify(labelcol, labeldist) >> Shuffle(100) >> CountValues(labelcol)
{'Iris-setosa': 23, 'Iris-virginica': 16, 'Iris-versicolor': 16}

As you can see, the training data is now balanced again. Shuffle(100) loads 100 samples in memory and shuffles them to perform a (partial) randomization of the sample order. Typically we would perform stratification and shuffling in the training loop. Here a template example:

train, val, test = ReadPandas(filepath) >> SplitRandom((0.8, 0.1, 0.1))

for epoch in range(EPOCHS):
    accuracy = (train >> Stratify(labelcol, labeldist) >> Shuffle(100) >>
                build_batch >> network.train() >> Mean())

Note that SplitRandom() creates the same split every time it is called, while Stratify() will down-sample randomly. This ensures rerunning a training operates on the same training and test data but in the training loop stratification and shuffling randomizes the order of samples. This is usually what you want but you can provide random number generators with specific seeds to change this default behavior.

For the building of batches and network training see the later sections of the tutorial.